Antelope Valley School District

Supplemental Instruction

Enrollment Guidelines and Expectations: 

❖ You must submit an application online for each academic quarter.

❖ You may receive a class at any time, but you must complete the entire course to earn credit.

❖ No variable credit will be given: 0 or 5 credits only.

❖ The school counselor will assign the class(es) according to what is needed and available. 

❖ AM and PM classes are available (assigned by the student’s current session).

❖ All tests must be taken in person, no exceptions. Google Meet options are available for questions and assistance. 

❖ If you do not attend the weekly scheduled class, you may be dropped from the class. 

Scheduled Supplemental class times:


Before School Wednesday
7:30AM-8:20 AM
Mr. Ferguson,. Rm 108

After School Wednesday
3:35PM-4:25 PM
Mrs. Egstrom, Rm 107 

Before School Thursday 
7:30AM-8:20 AM  
Mr. Ferguson, Rm 108

After School Thursday 
3:35PM-4:25 PM
Mrs. Egstrom, Rm 107



click here to apply